Changing Phenomenon   2015   Acrylic on canvas panel   76 x 51 cm   SGD3,500 Waterfall 2003   Acrylic on canvas   120 x 100cm   SGD15,000 Quiet Day   2016   Acrylic on canvas panel   16 x 12 inches  $2,500 Celebration   2016   Acrylic on canvas   24 x 18 inches   SG4,000   P258 Autumn Joy   2016   Acrylic on canvas   76 x 51 cm   SGD3,800 Transient Phenomena   2011   Acrylic on canvas   36 x 36 inches   SGD8,000 Painting   2015   Acrylic on canvas   40 x 30 inches   SGD9,000 Sound of Bliss   2007   Acrylic on canvas   SGD6,000 Aerial View   2013   Acrylic on canvas   30 x 30 cm   SGD1,800 White Sand Beach   2012   Acrylic on canvas panel   22 x 22 inches   SGD4,000 Song of Change   2009   Acrylic on canvas   61 x 61 cm   SGD3,800
Song of Change 2009 Acrylic on canvas 61 x 61 cm
Painting 2015 Acrylic on canvas 102 x 76 cm
Celebration 2016 Acrylic on canvas 61 x 46 cm
Changing Phenomenon 2015 Acrylic on canvas panel 76 x 51 cm
White Sand Beach 2012 Acrylic on canvas panel 56 x 56 cm
Aerial View 2013 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 30 cm
Celebration in Nature 2012 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 51 cm
Transient Phenomena 2011 Acrylic on canvas 92 x 92 cm
Waterfall 2003 Acrylic on canvas 120 x 100cm
Season of Celebrations 2007 Acrylic on canvas 112 x 86 cm
Sound of Bliss 2007 Acrylic on canvas 92 x 92 cm
Autumn Joy 2016 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 51 cm
April Rejoice 2021 Acrylic on canvas 71 x 56 cm
Quiet Day 2016 Acrylic on canvas panel 40.5 x 30.5 cm
Autumn Leaves and Lake 2008 Acrylic on canvas 46 x 46 cm
April Rejoice   2021   Acrylic on canvas   71 x 56 cm   SGD4,800
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Autumn Leaves and Lake   2008   46 x 46 cm   SGD2,800


Discover Prabhakara Jimmy Quek’s paintings on our gallery page. We have selected some of his best works that showcase his diverse and captivating themes, from nature and spirituality to the human condition. Quek’s art invites us to reflect and wonder. If you want to buy his artworks or see more of his portfolio, please contact us or visit the Artwork Collection website, where you can explore his entire life’s work and his artistic evolution. Enjoy the beauty and meaning of Prabhakara Jimmy Quek’s paintings. We are here to help you with your artistic journey.
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Changing Phenomenon   2015   Acrylic on canvas panel   76 x 51 cm   SGD3,500 Waterfall 2003   Acrylic on canvas   120 x 100cm   SGD15,000 Quiet Day   2016   Acrylic on canvas panel   16 x 12 inches  $2,500 Celebration   2016   Acrylic on canvas   24 x 18 inches   SG4,000   P258 Autumn Joy   2016   Acrylic on canvas   76 x 51 cm   SGD3,800 Transient Phenomena   2011   Acrylic on canvas   36 x 36 inches   SGD8,000 Painting   2015   Acrylic on canvas   40 x 30 inches   SGD9,000 Sound of Bliss   2007   Acrylic on canvas   SGD6,000 Aerial View   2013   Acrylic on canvas   30 x 30 cm   SGD1,800 White Sand Beach   2012   Acrylic on canvas panel   22 x 22 inches   SGD4,000 Song of Change   2009   Acrylic on canvas   61 x 61 cm   SGD3,800
Song of Change 2009 Acrylic on canvas 61 x 61 cm
Painting 2015 Acrylic on canvas 102 x 76 cm
Celebration 2016 Acrylic on canvas 61 x 46 cm
Changing Phenomenon 2015 Acrylic on canvas panel 76 x 51 cm
White Sand Beach 2012 Acrylic on canvas panel 56 x 56 cm
Aerial View 2013 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 30 cm
Celebration in Nature 2012 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 51 cm
Transient Phenomena 2011 Acrylic on canvas 92 x 92 cm
Waterfall 2003 Acrylic on canvas 120 x 100cm
Season of Celebrations 2007 Acrylic on canvas 112 x 86 cm
Sound of Bliss 2007 Acrylic on canvas 92 x 92 cm
Autumn Joy 2016 Acrylic on canvas 76 x 51 cm
April Rejoice 2021 Acrylic on canvas 71 x 56 cm
Quiet Day 2016 Acrylic on canvas panel 40.5 x 30.5 cm
Autumn Leaves and Lake 2008 Acrylic on canvas 46 x 46 cm
April Rejoice   2021   Acrylic on canvas   71 x 56 cm   SGD4,800 Autumn Leaves and Lake   2008   46 x 46 cm   SGD2,800


Discover Prabhakara Jimmy Quek’s paintings on our gallery page. We have selected some of his best works that showcase his diverse and captivating themes, from nature and spirituality to the human condition. Quek’s art invites us to reflect and wonder. If you want to buy his artworks or see more of his portfolio, please contact us or visit the Artwork Collection website, where you can explore his entire life’s work and his artistic evolution. Enjoy the beauty and meaning of Prabhakara Jimmy Quek’s paintings. We are here to help you with your artistic journey.